Midpoints in reality

Learning Objectives: Use real objects measures to locate the midpoint of a segment.



Duration: 15 min





  • Rulers
  • Meters
  • Pencil
  • Paper



Activity Description:



  • Provide each student with one measuring tool(ruler, meter…), paper and pencil. Take your students outside the classroom to measure different objects such as: desks, length and width of a door, length of bunch……
  • Have a student record the answer on the paper.
  • Ask them to mark half of the measurement they took by calculating it on the paper and by coloring the middle part on the objects measured.
  • Have students connect the point in the middle to the half of the measure written on board.
  • Conclude that the middle point is alse called midpoint and it divides the segment into halves => 2 equal parts.

Finally, sketch the segment and midpoint on the board as well as the notebooks of students.