Test Taking Strategies

General Strategies for test taker:


  • Read and understand all the directions carefully. Pay attention to all the instructions of the test proctor. Do as instructed.


  • Answer all the questions that you know first then go back to the questions that you missed later on.


  • Use your instincts. Normally, your first answer to the question is correct. Do not change your answer except if you are really sure that it was wrong.


  • Be careful in the placement of answers on the answer sheet. Make sure that your answer to a question is correctly written in the correct number space in your answer sheet.


  • Be cautious about the time allocated for each test. Spend only few moments in answering easy questions and approximately 1 – 2 minutes for harder questions. It is advisable also to have a personal watch synchronized to the testing room’s clock to help you manage your time.



Let us see some strategies related to Multiple Choice questions and Constructed Response questions



Multiple Choice:


  • Try to use elimination method by eliminating the choices which you believe are not possible to be the correct answer in order to reduce your focus on your selection. Then choose the best answer from the remaining options.


  • There is only one correct answer in the multiple choice question. So choose only the best answer.


  • If you are really clueless of the answer to the problem or question in the multiple choice test, skip that item first then make a wild guess before time runs out. Anyway, there is no penalty for having incorrect answer (right minus wrong). Let guessing be your last option in answering the question.


  • Shade the circle that corresponds to your correct answer properly in the answer sheet for the multiple choice type of test.


  • Note that answers expressed in a positive manner are more likely to be the correct answer as compared to negative ones.


Constructed Response:


  • Constructed response is a type of open-ended question that demonstrates cognitive knowledge and reasoning. Make sure that your solution, statement, or explanations in these types of tests are complete, logical and convincing in order to obtain the full weight of the score.


  • Partial scores to correct answer without explanation or correct justification with incorrect answer are given, therefore do your best in answering constructed response items to avoid losing all the points.


  • Do not forget to follow the specific instructions in each question. Examples: Write the correct unit of measurement, express your answer in simplest form, label your diagram, Show your work, etc.


  • Write your explanation that is clear, concise and simple. Do not use sophisticated words to express your answer because there are no points for fancy statements. Just make sure that your answer is not too long but full with detailed information and straight to the point.



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