Motivation Strategies

Motivation requires a calm and centered leader who is focused on one and only one thing which is achieving the performance management targets. Achievements are not attainable unless the work is done by a collaborative team who communicate professionally on daily basis. Achievement requires hard work and continuous feedback.




Good leaders continue to seek creative input from their direct reports. They listen to their employee and value their opinions. The golden rule for success in leadership is “HEAR TO BE ABLE TO BE LISTENED TO”.




The successful leader empower the team members so they are able to speak confidently about their work. He/she show them the way so they can perform the assigned tasks. In addition, a leader has to provide clear guidance to make the change happen within the company.  Accelerated change is achievable if each member can see for himself that a more sustainable company is a more secure place to work. A leader has to convince the employee using practical examples connected to their daily life experiences. A true leader is realistic, honest and upbeat. He gives meaning to the meaningless tasks. He acts out what he expect others to be. Count yourself first.



Ten ways to motivate your employees are:



1.  Hear them out. Allow them to express themselves and to reveal the concerns that is hindering them from achieving the set targets.



2. Use positive feedback to appraise them and to encourage them to invest more time and effort to accomplish the tasks.



3. Coach them to complete the tasks. Provide them with clear guidelines to do what you envision is correct. You are the visionary leader who oversee the whole picture. Your guidance will save everyone time and effort.



4. Accept every circumstance. The leader is the role model for everyone. Show them how strategic you can be to face any new regulation or policy imposed by the government on the company to motivate them to change. When a leader is resilient to change then the employees will not be motivated to change.


5. Do what is required. Many different roads can take us to the same destination. One management attitude might not work all the time. You have to try different strategies to accomplish the tasks. Employees will feel motivated when they do not know what to expect from their leader. Every day is a new day with new strategy.


6. Keep learning. Motivate the team by asking them to read and widen their knowledge. Engage them in round table discussions and sit with them to learn from them. As a leader, show them that you are still learning even though you are their leader.


7. Use the power of deadlines. Deadlines encourage everyone to be punctual and systematic. Assign a deadline when you announce the task to allow your employees to organize their time. This will motivate them to work hard to be on time.


8. Encourage concentration. As a leader, ask for a meeting when there is a need for it and send an email when there is a need for it. If the company has a financial issue then it is none of the business of the HR employees to be engaged in it. Discuss with the employees what is relevant for the tasks assigned for them.


9. Inspire inner stability. An employee has to feel that there is consistency in the assigned tasks to him to establish a routine at work. Continuous changes in root management demotivate the employees who become confused about the responsibilities.



10. See them as perfect. Appraise their accomplishments and use specific examples with names of certain employees to show the best reference for a specific tasks within your company.