21st century Skills Checklist

As a 21st century learner I am expected to have all the skills that enable me to perform well in the workplace as well as everyday life. How can I know if I am proficient in collaboration? Analytical Thinking? Communication? The criteria below allows a learner to do self-assessment to determine his own proficiency level. Also, it helps the teacher to design various learning opportunities to foster the students’ skills and improve specific competencies and skills.



Collaboration skills are evident if I can:

  • Work together in a team
  • Learn cooperatively with others
  • Value the opinion of others
  • Solve Conflict



Analytical Thinking skills are evident if I can:


  • Identify Similarities and Differences
  • Use cues, questions, and advanced organizers
  • Plan
  • Classify
  • Prioritize


Communication skills are evident if I can:

  • Convey ideas graphically
  • Read with understanding
  • Speak so others can understand
  • Listen actively
  • Observe critically


Creativity and Innovation skills are evident if I can:


  • Display originality and inventiveness in my work.
  • Develop and communicate new ideas
  • Be open and responsive to other’s ideas.
  • Act on creative ideas



Problem Solving skills are evident if I can:

  • Define a problem
  • Generate and test hypotheses and predictions
  • Summarize and take notes
  • Determine relationships (cause/effect)
  • Make decisions



I am cable of finding and evaluating Information if I can:


  • See the need for more information
  • Develop a strategy to find information.
  • Use multiple sources of information
  • I can determine if a source is good