Student-Centered Learning

A student-centered learning environment places students at the heart of their learning journey. Students will be doing the work while teachers will be facilitating their learning without dictating they what to do. Students have the freedom to make choices. They have absolute ownership for their success and their failure. They know their strengths and weaknesses.



Nowadays, everybody is calling for such a learning environment but the question remains, how will i create it for my students?As a teacher, how can i design my classroom to become student-centered?



First and foremost, you need to get to know your students. Each student has his own background, culture and intellectual ability. Learning is most effective when differences in cultural, social and linguistic background are taken into account. Learning is influenced by the environmental factors. An outstanding teacher in one grade level with specific group of students might be an acceptable teacher in another grade level with another group of students. The successful learning environment is created based on the demographic population of the students body rather than the teachers skills and abilities.