Quality of Education

Three important components that reflect the quality of education of an educational institution or school:



A-Teachers’ thinking or attitudes



B-Learning Environment



C-Outcomes obtained out of teaching and learning process


Lets us in brief shed the light on the essence of each one of the above stated elements



A-Teachers’ thinking or attitudes

Teachers body is the major component of an educational institution. No matter how good your policies, curriculum and administration body, teachers remain the front line who is delivering the education to students. Teachers have the direct content with students on day-to-day basis. The teacher is the either the weakness point or the strength point of an educational system.

Whom are you? Check the list below and see what characteristics match your style and attitude towards your students.

  • I work hard to cater for individual needs


  • I respect students distinct abilities, backgrounds and interests


  • I continuously seek professional development to enhance my performance


  • I design learning opportunities that empower students


  • I plan for the everyday lessons


  • I collaborate with my colleagues to share best practices


  • I consider the interaction with my students a learning experiences


  • I am enthusiastic about my job


  • I consider the needs of the students a top priority


  • I monitor the progress of every individual students to ensure that they are all making appropriate progress


  • I plan creatively to deliver the content knowledge in an innovative way


  • I use all available resources to deliver the content knowledge in a practical manner


  • I accept mistakes in the classrooms and consider them an opportunity for learning


  • I provide my students with immediate effective feedback to support them


  • I modify my plan daily based on students performance


  • I connect the content knowledge to the culture and other disciplines



B-Learning Environment


The learning environment is the culture of the school. It is the atmosphere among which learning takes place. It is all about “we”! The learning environment characterized with collaboration, cooperation and communication is based on what “we” do together not what do “I” do or what do “you” do……..


Consistency of practices is required at all levels-administration level, teachers level or students level- to establish a productive learning environment. Every individual person in an educational institution has to be qualified for the role that he is appointed to. Knowledge qualification ensure that all stakeholders know the basics in education which will allow all to be “speaking the same language”.


At the classroom level, the bond between the teacher and the student is crucial. Once the teacher establish a strong bond with her students, learning will become granted.



C-Outcomes obtained out of teaching and learning process



As teachers, we teach, we model and we demonstrate but the students can only show if your message was successfully delivered to them. Students validate the qualify of teaching not the teacher. No matter how knowledgeable a teacher is, unless the knowledge was successfully transformed to students then learning did not happen. The “evidence of learning” is the artifact that prove the quality of teaching and learning. When students perform above national and international standards in assessments, create products, design web pages, critic articles, and analyze logically then there is a remarkable educational program!




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