Straws and pairs of lines

Learning objective: Identify parallel, perpendicular, and skew lines.




Duration: 15 min





  • Straws
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Ruler



Activity Description:



  • Divide your students into groups of four and provide each group with 24 straws. 6 straws per student.
  • Let them use the straws to show lines & perpendicular lines.
  • Ask them whether the lines formed are contained in the same plane or not.
  • Conclude that and lines might be in the same plane.
  • Let a student hold a straw horizontally in the air and another student put a straw in a different direction on the desk.Note that they should be in
  • They are not , nor .such lines are called skew lines.
  • Finally, using a box provided by the teacher, have each group stick the straws (each pair with the same color) to show a pair of lines, a pair of lines and a pair of skew lines.