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Roosters Crow Cause Sunrise

The demands of the twenty first century requires a quick strategic thinking to plan the improvements that will enable you to maintain success. Adoption of new innovative ideas is not an option anymore if you want to stay in business. Although many people find huge difficulties to adapt to new situations and to change their style at workplace but “ADAPTATION IS INTELLIGENCE”.  An intelligent person who is well educated will realize that he has to adapt to new situations, accept change and plan strategically to execute.



Within an educational institution, all stakeholders have to adapt to the changes outlined in the improvement plans set by the leadership teams. Teachers, middle managers and senior leaders have to adapt to changes and to execute plans. They execute but they do not lead. Although they are hard workers but their efforts will  be wasted if the school leader is not listening to their voices and resolving the issues.



A rooster crow but it can never cause sunrise!


No matter how hard an educational institution member can work and plan, he can never cause a change unless all team members unite and collaborate to resolve the issues that hinder the improvement. To have a successful improvement plan, all stakeholders should be committed to achieve the set goals. This can happen if team members trust, support and respect each other. But the most important among all is to take serious measures to resolve the issues.



What is the point of authoring improvement plans if we do not apply them? What is the point of analyzing students assessments if we will not use them? Why do we attend classes if we will not provide teachers with constructive feedback? Although they say that the most critical step in planning for improvement is to identify the problem but what is worst then that is to have the solution and not to adapt it. Do not refuse to accept the truth about the demand to change to maintain your existence in the workplace. Living in denial will not change what is happening in real life.


Be strategic………   Be proactive………..    Be accountable…….


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